How many falls per week,
per month, does your community experience? And how many falls does that add up to in a years time? For each of those falls how are you preventing them from happening again? Are you losing residents due to hip fractures that are resulting in them having to move out of your community and reside in a long term nursing facility? RehabGO can help! RehabGO will work with you one on one to find the common thread to why falls are taking place within your facility. We have a comprehensive program that addresses solutions to both your residents and staff. Services for your residents include evidence based exercise classes to working one on one with one of our assigned GO Coaches right in the comfort of their home, so that they can stay strong and active and remain living within your community. Our services also address trainings for your staff. From how to transfer properly and safely to educating your team on how to identify factors that may contribute to a fall before it happens. Below is a list of all of our retirement based community services and RehabGO’s programs meet Title 22 requirements.
Research continues to show the importance of exercise for both maintaining physical as well as cognitive function. When your ALF teams up with RehabGO, you will contribute to a healthy lifestyle for your residents and make your Assisted Living Facility their final home, where you both will benefit from truly aging in place.
Our GO Classes are designed by licensed therapists to meet the specific needs of your residents. Our classes include evidence-based exercises taught by our GO Coaches.
See what classes we offer below!
Basic Classes
GO Stretch!
GO Strength!
GO Fit!
A 30 minute seated class focusing on stretching major Muscle groups of upper body, including the neck as well as lower body. Stretches are held for up to 15 to 30 seconds to maximize range capacity. Deep breathing exercises are also incorporated to facilitate optimal respiratory functioning. Stretching has been shown to reduce pain, stiffness and increase range of motion necessary for optimal purposeful movement.
A 30 minute seated class designed for increasing muscle strength through use of various resistance options such as therabands, weights and/or ankle weights. Correct form is continuously emphasized and education on targeting muscles is relayed as well.
A 30 minute seated class targeting multiple muscles across different planes. This fun class works on dynamic sitting balance, core and trunk stamina, endurance and active range of motion. Multiple movements are packed together to make a range of motion. Multiple movements are packed together “combo” requiring residents to focus and concentrate, providing not only physical but mental exercise as well!
Advanced Classes
GO Balance!
Level 1
GO Balance!
Level 2
A 30 minute standing class aimed at improving balance through evidenced based exercises that have been clinically shown to improve balance and reduce falls. Dynamic movements not only challenge balance responses but also target coordination and stamina.
A 60 minute class recommended for higher functioning
Residents that need the extra challenge.The first 20 minutes take place seated with
Exercises to challenge balance and target core and gluteal strength through squats, sit to stand and other body weight motions.
Quarterly inservices on transfer training, body mechanics, clues to identify falls and much more
Educational lectures for residents on topics ranging from fall reduction, bone health to women’s health and many more
Family night presentations on topic of your choice
Designated GoCoach for your community who works one-on-one with your residents
Individually designed exercise programs to meet residents specific goals
Retention of function and allows aging in place
RehabGO believes in continuity of care which is why we provide skilled therapy services for those times that our PFT clients may have a change of condition and require skilled intervention such as Physical or Occupational Therapy.
Skilled intervention as needed for clients
Specializing in Neurological,Orthopedics and much more
Fall risk management, home safety evals, caregiver training
Professional input on establishing a gym program for your community
Designated GOCoach to supervise and manage your gym
Establish baseline fitness testing and periodic monitoring